
Legislative & regulatory projects

As the single national representative body of non-grape wine, we represent the joint and varied interests of the industry, particularly on legislative and regulatory issues.  Here is what we are currently involved in…

Please contact us if you want more information or wish to get involved.


MPI Mock Recall Requirement

From 1 July 2023, MPI are requiring all businesses with a plan under the food, wine, or animal products Acts to do a simulated food recall every year. Your first simulated food recall must be done by 30 June 2024.


MPI Re-design of Wine Act

As a result of a review of the Wine Act, a new WSMP tool has been launched.  Click here to find it.


FSANZ Energy labelling of alcoholic beverages

FSANZ project exploring regulatory and non-regulatory options for energy labelling of alcoholic beverages

Working Projects

Other Projects the FWCMA is involved in:

redesign of Fruit Wine & Cider Standards

The Committee has started initial discussions with FSANZ about redesigning the standards to include min juice content and inclusion of herbs and culinary flowers.

Wanting to advance your cider knowledge?

Click here to learn more about the Certified Cider Professional Programme